
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2015

Shocking story

"When I was a freshman, my sister was in eighth grade. There was a boy in two of her periods who would ask her out every single day. (Third and seventh period, if I remember correctly.) All day during third and seventh she would repeatedly tell him no. She didn’t beat around the bush, she didn’t lie and say she was taken—she just said no. One day, in third period, after being rejected several times, he said; “I have a gun in my locker. If you don’t say yes, I am going to shoot you in seventh.” She refused again, but right after class she went to the principal’s office and told them what happened. They searched his locker and there was a gun in his backpack. When he was arrested, some of my sister’s friends (some female, even) told her that she was selfish for saying no so many times. That because of her, the entire school was in jeopardy. That it wouldn’t have killed her to say yes and give it a try, but because she was so mean to him, he lost his temper. Many of her ma

Leelah Alcorn

No me voy a alargar escribiendo lo que pasó. Aquí tenéis un enlace:  http://lavozdelmuro.net/una-chica-transexual-de-17-anos-se-suicido-el-pasado-28-de-diciembre-para-dar-un-mensaje-al-mundo/ Me parece importante que se sepa qué pasó, porque yo lo he descubierto hoy.  Es horrible que alguien, por la razón que sea, decida suicidarse. Esta chica estaba discriminada en su casa porque su familia era católica. ¿De verdad la iglesia piensa dejar pasar esto? Creo que ese no era el mensaje de Jesús. Él había venido a dar un mensaje de amor, de estar con los que peor lo pasan, con los marginados. Y bien, ¿dónde estaba el mensaje de Jesús en la situación esta chica? ¿Dónde? lazerprincess: Estoy viendo a mucha gente haciendo lo de las "6 selfies de 2014", así que pensé que podría hacerlo. No me hago muchas selfies porque odio cómo me veo como un chico y pocas veces tengo la oportunidad de vestir como una chica, así que solo pongo 5, pero este año ha sido un gran año